Friday, July 7, 2023

 July 2023


In my first regression post, I mentioned that I believed I had live in Cumbria, Northern England.  Well, in 2022 I got the chance to visit this area!!  My wife and I stayed in Keswick, in the Lakes District.  The scenery and landscape seemed so familiar and I was certain I had been there before, in another life.  When I took time to kneel by the waters of Derwentwater, I suddenly started crying...not sure why.  So many emotions welled up in me that I couldn't sort out what I was feeling. A sense of home and comfort, loss and longing; almost a sense of rushing through time as the ancient past and present merged.  It was an experience that I've never had before and soon won't forget.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Two souls...together again!

It has been 10 months since my last regression.  At lot has happened in my life in the last year or so.  My marriage of 23 years ended in June on 2015.  I feel that everything that happens in your life, whether good or bad, happens to teach us lessons.  I have felt since very early on in life, that I was searching for soul mate.  When I met my future ex-wife in 1984, I thought that I had found her... but I was wrong.  We connected very quickly and strongly but now I realize that it was because we had been brother and sister in a previous lifetime.  She was not my soul mate but I must have had something to learn or possibly fulfill a promise that I had made in that other lifetime.  Even before my marriage was over, I felt that same longing....that feeling that I must find eternal love.  I joined a few on-line dating web sites (Match, E-harmony, etc.) but had no luck.  The women interested in me were not my type and the ones I showed interest in ignored me.  I believe that God and the universe had someone specific in mind for me and would not allow any more detours from my fate.  On June 11, 2016 I met Sarah after quickly connecting on  When I saw her, waiting on the bluff for me, looking out towards Lake Michigan, my heart skipped a beat! We sat and talked, instantly connecting and feeling very comfortable with each other.  After a couple of hours of good conversation, we parted ways.  I texted her soon afterwards and we decided to meet again....only two days later!  Our second date led to a third and so on....soon, we had quickly fallen in love with each other.  I feel as if I have know her fact, I think we have been together as lovers in many lifetimes.  After talking about our childhoods, we realized that we had come so close, so many, many times.  We both attended the same grade school, same high parents best friends lived next door to her...she played in band while I was in orchestra.  I think we both had to learn some lessons and we had to be apart to do grow stronger as individuals. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Regression no.9: I did a short, 30 minute regression and only got a few details. I was in eastern Kentucky,  late 1700s to early 1800s. I looked very much like a mountain man or Davy Crocket. I think my name was John Davis. I was either married or close to a woman named Mary. I saw a log cabin in a clearing of some woods. I think I died relatively young, killed by native Americans...I had no children. I remember being very proud of my long rifle that I possessed. I think I was a good marksman.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Regression No. 8 - January 2nd, 2015

Past Life Regression No. 8 – 1/2/2015

I decided to do another regression after meeting someone that I felt I had known in another life.  This possibility was also mentioned to this person by her friend.  A year or so ago, I had a daydream/waking vision that was only for a few seconds but it was significant somehow.  I was in a small house or cottage, sitting at a rough hewn wooden table.  I saw my wife by the fireplace, leaning over a pot, cooking something.  She had on a long dress, white top....plain, reminding me of either medieval or colonial times. Looking out of my window (behind the table) I could see a dark blue sky with a thin strip of orange along the horizon, as if the sun had just set.  It was over the water.  The cottage was on a slight hill, looking down on a bay or lake.  My regression began with trying to answer the question of if this was the woman that I had now just met in this lifetime.

I relaxed and went back to a time that I perceived to be 1770.  It was near Baltimore, Maryland.  I lived near the shore of one of the many bays, with the water to the west of my cottage (so I lived East of Baltimore).  I saw my wife again by the fireplace and now recognized her as the woman that I now knew in this life.  I had some male friends over for dinner and we were discussing how intolerable life was becoming under British rule.  My profession was a cobbler (shoe maker).  My wife and I were both about 32 years old.
I now forwarded in time a bit a saw that I was shot in killed in some early skirmish with the British when the Revolutionary War was breaking out.  My wife held me as I died.

Regression Part 2:
My regression CD now guided me to another life, in another time and place.  I saw myself in a forested region.  I knew it to be ancient Germany/France area.  The time was possibly 40 A.D. and I was in the Thuringian Forest region of central Germany.  The city name of Göttingen came to mind but I don’t know if it existed back then or it is now close to where I had been in 40 A.D. I saw myself as a rather large, muscular man.  I had long blondish hair with some braids, a beard and long mustache.  I was reminded of how a Viking looks.  I lived in a small cottage in the woods with my younger sister.  I was possibly in my 30’s and she in her early 20’s.  Our parents had died.  She had long blonde, braided hair.....and the most beautiful sky blue eyes. I felt it was my job to protect her, keep her hidden and safe.  She was so innocent, loving nature and animals...never interested in finding a man to marry.  Somehow, I got sick and later died in a bed, with my sister by my side.  I felt I had failed in my mission.  I believe the woman to be my current wife in this life.  This brother/sister relationship has carried over into this life’s marriage making true romantic feelings difficult.  I think this life was an attempt to redeem my past life’s failure of protecting her.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Regression No. 2

I somehow forgot to post this regression from December of 2011.  It's significant since it's the only regression that I've done where I was a woman.

Past Life Regression No. 2 – 12/27/2011

I saw myself in a garden area.  There were tall trees…possibly with some kind of vines growing on them.  Many birds were flying around, near the tree tops…singing beautifully.  I was a female, 15 years old; wearing sandals and a turquoise, silk type outfit.  I had brown skin and black hair.  It was pleasantly warm but not hot.  I had a thin, gold band around my forehead with a single red gem in it, centered on my forehead.  I think I may have been some type of royalty. The year may have been 2152 B.C.  and the land was called Kadesh.

The next important event in my life was seeing a massive army leaving for war.  There were thousands of men with golden armor, golden cone shaped helmets and golden spears.  There were rows and rows of elephants wearing golden war harnesses with gems inlaid.  As the army marched by it sparkled like sunlight on water. I saw many colorful, silken banners and heard people cheering.  The grandeur of it brought tears to your eyes. 

Next I saw myself much older.  I was a teacher of some sort.  I saw myself cutting herbs and mixing powders.  I think I was some kind of healer or doctor.  I may have forsaken my royal lineage to help the sick and poor.  I don’t think I was married.  I had a close female friend who was very dear to me.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More regressions...

It's been a while since I last had time to be alone and do a regression.  I tried another CD called "Past life regression with the angels" by Doreen Virtue.  I don't know if any actual angels were involved but I did have results.  I saw myself as a male, wearing leather work boots, denim jeans or overalls and a wide brimmed hat (not a cowboy hat).  I was somewhere hot...somewhere out in the American west.  It was the mid 1800's and I was either involved with the railroad or mining.  I had a wife named Jenny.  I then saw a man that either wronged or betrayed me.  He had a dark suit on and a big bushy mustache, curved up slightly on the ends.  He had blue or grey eyes and was not that old.  I then saw myself later on, laying on my death bed.  I was in a nicely furnished, Victorian style home and I had become rich later in life.  I saw my wife on one side of the bed and my adult daughter on the other side.  I got the impression that my daughter and I were not close and that she was just waiting for me to die to get her inheritance.  I think my lesson in this life was that riches do not make one happy.

In the next stage of this same regression, I was guided back to a more distant point in time.  I believe I was in England and it was possibly the 1400's.  I was in Stafford-shire (or just Stafford). I was a blacksmith.  I had a lovely wife with long, dark brown hair that was somewhat curly.  I had a small daughter with the most beautiful, blonde hair with curls.  I lived in a cottage in a meadow that also sat in front of some woods.  I think I recognized my wife as being someone I used to know in my current life.  We met when I was in my late teens (she was two years younger).  We instantly had a connection and became best friends.  I felt as if I had always know her.  Unfortunately, I was involved with someone else (that I later married) and did not recognize her from the past or see that she was in love with me.  Then, at the age of 20, she was killed in a car accident.  Maybe we'll meet up again in a future life.........

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Somewhere in time....

A close friend who knows of my past life regressions brought this image to my attention.  It was like seeing someone that I've known or will know....I can't explain it.  I feel as if I've been searching for her my whole if I made a promise in a past life to find her again.  I don't know if she looks this way now or did in the eternity, the past, present, and future all exist at once.  The last few years I've had a strange attraction to the actress Michelle Trachtenberg.  She looks very similar to the girl in the recent image sent to me by my friend.  What does it all mean??